Monday, February 18, 2008


i'm a shoe s-l-u-t. it really doesn't matter what kind of shoes at are shoes and i need them, i want them, i fantasize about them...i spend a good amount of time looking at shoes online--not necessarily with the intention to buy anything, per se, but more to ogle are my porn.

anyhow, i've been even shoe hungrier lately, but i've been logical and thrifty with my purchases. i've been going for the shoes that will bring me happiness--long term--as opposed to springing for the sexy shoes that make me drool but with inevitably just hurt me in the end...

annnnnnyhow, i finally got rain boots this weekend. because it rains, snows, or otherwise precipitates almost on the constant out here in the city of wind. and i'm tired of showing up to work with my pant cuffs sopping wet and covered in snow, slush, or salt stains. the galoshes were also on sale, so that was even better. practical in every way. and then i ducked into this store called Untitled that carries stuff that i can not afford, nor can necessarily pull off, but it's fun to dream. and i've been searching for new sneakers because i'm pretty unhappy with my boring tan and brown dunks that i got last year. i need some color. i need some spice.

so i got some Nike Blazer mid-tops. i'm looking for a picture of them to show you, but i can't find them anywhere. let's just say they're pretty fucking tacky. but in a fun way. maybe.

anyhow, looking at ridiculous sneakers yesterday got my blood pumping for Nikes all over again (though, what i really, truly want are the regular old black and white checked Vans slip ons. seriously. why doesn't anywhere carry them anymore?). so i'm all revved up over sporty shoes again and spent some time today looking at sneaker blogs (seriously, there is a blog for everything these days...). and i found shoes i want even more than the ones i currently own. look how fabulous they are:

ahhh! like the composition books of yore...god i fucking want these so badly.

and then these, just because i bomb atomically:

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