Thursday, January 31, 2008

In All Seriousness

okay, so not to be all american and celebrity obsessed and stuff, but i have something to say about this heath ledger business.


what the fuck is wrong with the people in this country/world?! a man died and people are treating it like a fucking freak show, circus. it's disgusting. what's even more disgusting is the people who went to stand outside the apartment he passed away in, hoping to get a glimpse of a body bag. what for?! to say that you saw a bag containing the expired body of a young man whom you didn't know? also, you know what else i find mildly disturbing? that people who didn't know him at all probably found out about his death before his family. before his child. before people who actually knew him and are actually experiencing tremendous grief right now.

and this business with all the tabloids--both online and print--giving minute by minute "updates" about his death and regurgitated speculations as to how exactly he died...? it's fucking despicable. i'm not going to even try and lie--i read the stuff that was being posted on the internet on the day of his death and i've read stuff since then. but with each entry and article i read, i become more and more grossed out. and mad.

why does it matter HOW he died? especially why does it matter to people who don't know him? who will just forget about him by next week, once the tabloids have something more exciting to talk about (probably the death of britney spears or something).

i'm taking this personally. i really am. this whole thing reminds me of something that happened in my life, several years ago. a close friend passed away unexpectedly, suddenly and when the people in his life of whom he meant something to went to his home (where he had passed) to be with each other. to provide comfort to each other, to his family, to him. and i remember standing outside of the house, chain smoking and crying and seeing neighbors who didn't mean anything to him standing on the edges of their driveways, waiting expectantly for something. what? i'm not sure. but they were standing and staring. and huddling together, whispering speculations of what had happened.

and then a few days before his viewing, i stumbled upon a blog some girl who sort of knew him, but was by no means close to him, had written about his passing. she claimed, with assuredness that he had overdosed on coke, and used his story as a "warning" to her friends.

at this point in time toxicology tests had not come back, nor was this girl with him when he had passed. she was merely reciting heresay, tend to happen in a small town. or in a huge world obsessed with the lives of celebrities and tragedy.

the thing about death is that it's final. when it happens, someone, somewhere is affected by it. someone is grieving over it. it means something to someone, and it probably is making someone's life incredibly difficult. it's never a happy thing. ever. someone was sad when hitler died. someone was sad when saddam hussein was executed. death--whether expected or not--is a jarring reality that is sometimes difficult to swallow.

i sort of feel that when people die, it should be the one and only time in their lives that they really should be honored in some way. they should be able to pass on with dignity behind them. at least for a while.

why does it matter how someone died? all that matters is that they're dead and that the people who knew them will never see them in the here-and-now again. the chance is gone. all that matters is that it happened. and that at one time, they were alive.

i'm disgusted by allegations of drug use and rehab stints and "sources" giving up "information" about a time they saw a person who has passed away do something undesirable or illegal or unhealthy or untrue. it's disgusting that anyone would even for a second think about spending money to purchase a video from 2 years ago that allegedly depicts the deceased being at a party with drugs (the video shows no drug use by ledger, nor does it show anything incriminating on his behalf). thankfully, someone had some fucking couth and the shows that were set to air this video have sinced pulled the video from airplay.

the trailer that Entertainment Tonight was playing for the video says something about "clues to his death!" and then shows pictures of John Belushi and the hotel where the "party" from two years prior had taken place. 2 YEARS PRIOR. because someone's presence at a party from 2 YEARS PRIOR will absolutely give clues as to how a young man passed away.


i'm grossed out that i even am paying enough attention to write this blog.

i just really think that our culture has somehow erased the lines of privacy and decency and thinks that because it sees pictures of someone "being normal" in some tabloid magazine, that somehow they should be privy to the extremely intimate details of their life or death.

just stop.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Because Its So Cooooooold Out Today

i desperately wish i had a coat like this one:

it looks like it'd be a big blanket wrapped around you.

This Dress is Awesome

it's a hamburger!

Dear CTA

what the eff?!?! you got your effing funding--why suddenly are you running slowly and sporadically, with the too-frequent-for-my-taste breakdowns?! i'm tired of it. seriously. srsly.

please get your shit together so that i can get to work on time and don't have to stand outside for half an hour when its cold. and please stop breaking down in the middle of the tunnel six times on my way home from work when i


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Spitting Mad

i left work early today because i am sick. so i walked my ailing butt 6 blocks in the rain and got on the train and the only seat was next to a dirty man who smelled of hotdogs. anyhow, i sat down and at the next stop, some old, filthy lady who reeked of alcohol and was screaming in a mixture of polish and english (the only words i could make out were "God" "Fuck" and "It's your fault") at some young latina girl. the latina girl walked to the back of the train and got away from her and the crazy lady continued yelling. then she started yelling at me. i was staring out the window, ignoring her. she walked away a little bit, yelling about "God...Fuck...It's all your fault!" and i thought i was in the clear.

i wasn't.

she came back to me, yelling some more.

and then she spit on me.

Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm Obsessed

with this guy, Jorge Oswaldo. i just stumbled upon him after breezing through some interior design blogs.

he's originally from Chicagoland (born in El Salvador) and is extensively learned in various forms of art. he now does "paintings" with vinyl stickers.

they're effing amazing. i'm mildly in love with Frondescence.

someone buy me it. please.

Why I Don't Heart Perez

for new years, i was going to give up Perez. 1) because for some reason, his comments and quips really annoy me, 2) because ever since i saw him on television, i cannot get that nasal annoying voice of my head, and 3) because i'd found someone new who was funnier.

well, i haven't actually been able to let go of Perez. i check in a couple times of week still--mainly on lunch breaks. i read my other guy (A Socialite's Life) regularly though.

i have decided just now that i really am done with Perez. for all the reasons i listed above, but now, especially because i am SO FUCKING ANNOYED with his music blurbs. i sometimes feel like he has flipped open an issue of Blender or Spin or something and just like, recycles what he reads.

what did it for me this time: his summation of Chromeo. because like, they are a brand new act that no one's ever heard before. don't get me wrong, i love Chromeo and i am constantly guilty of being late to the party (musically, cinematically, fashion-aly, etc.), but i don't have a website that a bazillion people read. ugh. you know, i realize that makes no sense. whatever. for some reason i am beyond annoyed about this Chromeo post.

i mean, can i be expected to take a person seriously when they write about the Jonas Brothers (who the eff are they, anways?!!!), Paula Abdul, and Chromeo all in the same post?

and FYI, Perez, liking Daft Punk and Justice isn't neccessarily a good litmus for Chromeo fans.

and yes, i am raging music snob.

My Super Sweet Weekend

ahhh, 'twas a busy-ish weekend and i didn't feel nerdy enough to blog or anything like that. i was too busy getting drunk. oops. (fyi, i'm not a raging alcoholic, in fact it's quite the opposite: i rarely imbibe the way i used to and my tolerance has dropped to that of a junior high school girl who has discovered that boone's farm actually tastes like juice and if you drink enough, you'll get shitty--and an awful stomachache)

i played hooky on friday because i woke up feeling icky, but that went away after i slept for another 3 hours. then i target-ed. and almost went on a homicidal rampage in the linens section because there were approximately 3500 housewives with their unruly asshole children running all over the damn place. seriously, people: the isles aren't that wide; if you walk 2 abreast with carts and children trailing behind you, you effectively block THE ENTIRE ISLE FOR ANYONE ELSE. let's do this in an orderly fashion. one behind another. like a road. one behind another. that allows for people to come at you from the opposite direction, and, if your fat ass is going to slowly, it allows for the person behind you pass you and get on with their life, instead of wasting an hour in a wondrous superstore. dammit.

anyhow we all went to some bar called the Blue Line (ironically, right under the damen blue line el stop...) friday night and got shitty. what else was there to do? it was packed with d-bags and the stereo was playing godawful Top 40 music.

saturday we ordered bad meditterean food from some place called Reza's (which we won't do again). tom's dill rice had lima beans in it and my cous cous had raisins and weird vegetables and some sort of weird sauce in it...i don't know if that's how those dishes are supposed to be served, but it was gross. Babylon is way better.

managed to leave the house at 4 to go down to find some new winter snow boots at Akira's big store, but got flustered and didn't want to torture tom with my agonizingly long stay in the store, so we just left. saturday was NOT my day for retail therapy. i found nothing at Urban that i even remotely fancied (except for that Eazy Does It shirt that i want badly but refuse to buy from Urban because a million other people will have it). i managed to find some sweet rock and republic jeans for half off at nordstrom rack, but am pretty sure they're defective because the legs are tight and the waist is big and if i don't wear a belt , they end up exposing some major ass cleavage. hmph.

anyhow, Saturday night was Dark Wave Disco night at Sonotheque and the Teenagers were playing.

we'd been to Sonotheque once before for a brief stint for their Sunday Reggae night, but didn't really stay for any length of time (we had places to be).

in an earlier post, i wrote about how i'd just "discovered" the Teenagers and how i loved them. their album came out on Tuesday and i love it. it's fun and funny and uses words like "cunt" and "slut" but in a completely hilarious, non-threatening, not over-used way. brilliant. anyhow, i was a bit skeptical as to whether or not they'd be good live, but i found a review of a show they'd played in LA or NYC or something and it said they were great live. i was still skeptical because hipsters and i generally have a different idea of what's good live... but they WERE good! i was so stoked! sounded clear and loud and just as great and hilarious as they do on the album. plus, there were DJs and it was a dance party. and i drank a lot of gin and got drunk there too. then we stuffed our faces with Arturo's and passed the eff out.

and Sunday i went to my guilty pleasure breakfast joint in Andersonville: Ann Sather. they serve awesome cinnamon rolls that are dripping with love juice, err, hot icing... heh.

and now i'm sick. so i guess the weekend was sort of worth it, but i'd rather be at home in bed sleeping.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Dear Rock of Love

you are the greatest show ever.

love, sarah

Friday, January 25, 2008

I Think

that i'm going to start wearing red lipstick.

it's so classic. and classy. and sassy. and sexy. and feminine. and pulled together.


seriously...? ms. johansson can do no wrong. total girl crush. *sigh*

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


so, they're making things out of denim. and they had to run into a warehouse and grab all the jeans and jackets and white cotton they could to get materials for the challenge. and poor chubby chris, bless his artery clogged heart, runs slower than the rest. but i love him. and that dumb bitch victorya (seriously, who spells their name that way?!) totally claimed denim as her own that wasn't. she all but admitted it. a pair of jeans would be laying on the floor and she'd say, "Yeah, those are mine, I think." and chris is too sweet to be like, " 'Cha right, biotch! Finders keepers!" so he let her get away with it. it's okay though, they all got enough stuff.

jillian is making a coat. so is victorya. they worked together on a fierce coat last week. and jillian is pissed about it. wah wah wahhhh.

christian is being super young and totally gay and whining about stuff. and i think chris wants to punch him. ricky is pulling his whole low self esteem thing and is now name dropping all the designers he's worked with. valentino, oscar de la renta, vera wang. blah blah blah.

rami has talked about israel and how he's more fashion forward than american designers. because being 5 in israel totally determines how fashionable one will be.

sweet p, my wonderful tattooed love, talks about her wedding and how her husband has been supporting her financially. go girl!

jillian is totally copying the idea from last episode. a "futuristic coat." ummm...isn't that sort of like an "apocolyptic coat"...? you know, from last week?

victorya's coat looks like shit. and tim thinks so too.

tim thinks rami's has the potential to blow everyone away. thank christ denim cannot be draped.

chris is making a little dress that might be cute. we'll see.

now jillian is crying because she's "bleeding everywhere"...but no one sees the blood. rami and sweet p are trying to talk her out of her nervous breakdown. hopefully.

ricky...ricky's doing (surprise!!) something lingerie-y. a corset. because that's what he does, if you haven't heard. he designs LINGERIE. and wears hats. all.the.time. he even lets us in on a little secret: He sometimes makes HATS out of denim!!!!! of course he does!!! hats for everyone!!!

christian is kind of quiet right now--he got the whining and bitching and "dying of barfness" out of his system. he sort of did a 180 and started prancing around proclaiming he felt super manly working with denim, like he was in a parade. ummm, i don't know about you, but i don't necessarily associate manliness with parades. but that's just me.

oooh! commercial for top chef chicago!!! i love that show and i love that city! it's my new city! it's where i live, fyi! in case you haven't heard...

day 2: jillian is invigorated. maybe it's the cute outfit she's wearing. finally! not leggings!!! a flamenco-ish skirt, but it's cute. she's pulling it off. jillian has good hair, even though she's fucking bland and annoying.

chris...i love chris. he's fabulous and i want him to be my new gay.

victorya's jacket horseshit to be precise.

ricky loves his dress. sweet p is afraid hers is hippy dippy. denim has a tendency to do that. jillian is pissed about victorya's coat. she shouldn't worry though, it's fucking heinous.

shockingly, christian thinks he should win. even though he made a jean jacket and jeans. because that's very original. what with the jeans and jackets being the raw materials and all.

runway time!!!!

first up: chris. his dress is boring. 'nuff said. ricky's next. mehh. i could take or leave the dress. sweet p's dres is still hippy-ish, but it's kind of interesting the way she did the pattern. victorya's jacket is good from far but far from good. rami's dress is okay. christian's outfit is...jeans and a jacket. hurrah. jillian's jacket is pretty great, i think.

judging time. nina and michael kors like christian's outfit. hmph. they don't think chris' dress is timeless. nina's glad that rami didn't drape. me too. everyone likes ricky's dress!! yay ricky! now you won't cry!!! you can literally see his self esteem rising. whoop! he's crying. goddamn. he never stops the fucking waterworks. they're not really feelin' jillian's jacket. nina says it's overly complicated. levis lady thinks the red tabs are too much. michael says he wants to see a fabulous model, and her model is not. yay! they love sweet p's dress! it's very chic says michael. sweet p is grinning and glowing. victorya's jacket sucks. just like i thought. and she's trying to make it seem like it was hard work. and michael called the top of the jacket "reconnoitered". i love michael kors. that's a great word. he also said he'd wear sweet p's dress with the right shoes. god, i love gay men. we go...who's in? who's out? heidi will tell us. rami's in. ricky won! he'll probably cry. levi's lady old her she wants to sell a limited edition of his dress on cool. and he didn't cry!! he's grinning! yay. sweet p's in! christian is in. oh tense. chris is in! yay!!!!! now it's down to the monotone bitches. let's hope it's victorya. i hate her and she's mean. jillian's in. yes! that means victorya's out!!! thank god! ding dong the witch is dead!!! backstage everyone is pretending they care. i bet none of them do though. fuck, i know no one cares.

previews for next week sort of insinuate that they will have to make clothes for strippers, or porn stars. or something slutty. i see glittery latex-y fabric. oooooh, it's gonna be good.

aufedershen! (or however the fuck you spell it)

O.t.i.s. always looks this happy. We're a perfect match.

Look What Tom Gave Me

because i heart jesus so much. i'm going to start wearing one under my eye like Nelly.

Something Less Hostile and More Lovely

i wasn't all that amped on Erin Fetherston's Target line. i mean, clothes are cute, but only on someone who looks like Ms. Fetherston. tall, obscenely lanky, and a wee bit funny looking.


anywho, i'm veryveryexcite about the next GO! line. and i'm not sure when they announced who it was, but i'm most certainly late to this party. whatevs. i'm marking my calendar and lining up at my local Target, which btw, is awesome.

yay for jovovich-hawk! perfect for spring!


p.s. those shorts are going to be awesome for when I GO TO COACHELLA in april. boo.yah. mother effers.

You're a Fucking Idiot, or Why I Refuse to Talk About the War

so, umm, this is the second installment of what i'm labeling my "Dumb Assholes" post. basically, it comes when i get stupid fucking forwards or read idiotic myspace bulletin.

this time i got a post about "The Troops"--one i've seen before, and find doubly infuriating this time around. the post is (for lack of a better word) propaganda, most certainly put together by raging republicans. the kind who hunt, wave confederate flags, say things like, "These colors don't run!" "Git 'er done!", and think Jeff Foxworthy is hilarious. (btw, he's not.)

anywho, the posts has a variety of pictures depicting soldiers and such, and between each picture it says things like, "You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.He doesn't get to eat today," "Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes. He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean," "You see only what the media wants you to see.He sees the broken bodies lying around him," "You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting," "You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded," and my personal fave, "You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.He still fights for your right to wear that shirt."

yeesh. where do i even begin...?

1. i don't have a maid. i don't make my bed but i do wash my own clothes. that's a dumb fucking sentence. at least have it make sense. i'm willing to bet that the majority of people in this world (especially those who are 'anti-war') probably don't have maids who make their bed and wash their clothes everyday. who the eff are we? a bunch of little orphan annies, living in daddy warbucks mansion?

2. while i agree that yes, the media (both right and left winged) chooses what to show. but the broken bodies? umm, don't mean to sound callous, but like...isn't the US some of the folks breaking said bodies? and p.s., the US isn't exactly an angelic, play by the rules kinda nation...

3. yes i criticize my government, and yes i'm pretty much married to the notion that i do not believe that war (especially wars started on false information) is really helpful in solving much. i think violence perpetuates violence and when the violence is more or less created because of a desire to democratize, westernize, or "civilize" another culture, it's sort of losing battle. and dumb. don't forget dumb.

4. i'm not sure i've ever really heard a joke about the war. nor have i really heard people making fun of soldiers. this may be naiive of me, but i think that since vietnam, we as a society have grown a bit, matured a (little) bit, and wised up a little bit. i'm not sure i've ever heard anyone making fun of a soldier. i think most people (and again, i may be entirely naiive on this right here) definitely make fun of the president (he's borderline retarded, i mean...) and definitely joke about him, but all in all realize (except for a handful of raging radical idiots) that the soldiers did not declare this war, they are merely pawns in an elaborate game of Stratego, and simply doing what their jobs are. no one faults them for that.

5. the funny thing about all of this is that what we're allegedly war-ing over is to bring democracy to these countries that we're ravaging and raping of culture and such. one of the wonderful things about democracy is the right to free speech, the right to protest, and the right to *gasp* think for oneself! so if someone were wearing a "Don't support the troops" t-shirt (again, a stupid fucking comment), that's their M.O. that's what we're allegedly fighting for Iraquis, Iranians, Afghanis, and all of the other "uncivilized" countries' consitutents, to have. right? so they'll be able to enjoy the benefits of a democratic society. including free speech. which is essentially what those t-shirts are. you follow?

in sum, i'd like to once again state that i am adamantly anti-war, adamantly anti-bush (the prez and the body part), and adamantly pro-troop. anti-war does not equal anti-troop. jesus fucking christ.


Hil? Barack?

you're both disappointing me.

if you keep up these antics, i'm leaving both of you behind and gonna support John. Edwards, that is.

don't make me do it. we all know that he doesn't have a chance...

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Learn It. Live It. Love It.

srsly. this means you, mr. man-who-keeps-clearly-open-mouth-sneezing-without-attempting-any-sort-of-germ-spreading-prevention-on-the-other-side-of-the-cubicle-wall-from-me.

Dear Coachella

i want you.

see you soon!


When March (aka, Moustache Madness) Comes Back Around

i will show my support by wearing this necklace:

the description on the website reads: "These necklaces are THE SLEAZIEST and THE BEST! This genius piece of jewelry doubles as an instant disguise for the shady girl on the go."

Monday, January 21, 2008

"I miss you/I wish you'd put yourself in my suitcase"

Dear Jason Schwartzman,

I love you.

Always and Forever,

i refuse to say that i was late to the Coconut Records party. i don't know exactly when i got this album, but it was definitely last spring. and since this debut was released in march '07, that means i wasn't that late to the party. especially considering tom called me the other day and was like, 'You should check out Coconut Records sometime. I heard 'em on XM.' and i was like, 'Oooh! Bust! Beat ya to it, bitch!' (really, those words were pretty much verbatim. tom and i are very competitive about our music finds. he swears he's winning, but i swear i should get extra points for my finds, because he's currently cutting them into his stuff. hmph.)

anyhow, Coconut Records is Jason Schwartzman's solo gig and the album is called "Nighttiming." it's super. i never really listened to Phantom Planet (except for that "California" song that I used to serenade Danielle with back in the day when we lived together and religiously watched The OC. which reminds me. have you seen Rachel Bilson's spread in GQ? she's cute. i love her. and she always has cute boyfriends. lucky gal.)...annnnnnyhow, Coconut Records is super. mellow. super mellow. and poppy, catchy, and very varied, if you ask me. for instance, "Slowly" reminds me faintly of a Ryan Adams-ish type thing, with gentle bluegrass-y twangs. Also, Brandon Boyd (of Incubus) and Zooey Deschanel (who i also lovelovelove) are on that track. Brandon whistles, Zooey sings. And Kirsten Dunst (who is enjoying her second mention on this blog thing!) sings on two songs also.

i've been listening to this record a lot again lately, 1) because i like to smugly remind myself how s-m-r-t i am for "finding" it and 2) because it's a supergreat album. nothing terribly complex and kuh-razy, but it's completely and 100% listenable, enjoyable, and loveable.

Coconut Records is just the icing on the i-love-jason-schwartzman-with-all-my-heart-and-soul cake. Coconut Records icing, with Rushmore and Shopgirl sprinkles.



my office building is right on the beautiful, picturesque, and absolutely clean chicago river. heh. anyhow, when i went outside for my midday ciggie butt, i was standing on the river side of the building and watching the plastic bags and various other pieces of garbage float by, when i noticed two ducks. i think they were boyfriend and girlfriend ducks, because one was a mallard and one was not. (btw, why are boy ducks--and boy animals, in general, prettier than the lady animals?) anyhow, they were floating around and then the boy duck did that thing where he sticks his head under water (to get food, presumably) and his little feather butt sticks straight up in the air. and i wondered--if i'm so effing cold just standing next to the river, how is it that he isn't freezing when he's under the water???

i am constantly perplexed by animals being able to not freeze their fur/feather covered asses off in this cold weather.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


it's cold.

like 1 degree cold.

with a wind chill, my weather widget says it feels like -18 degrees.

just thought i'd share.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Why I Love Muiccia

if i was really rich, i'd buy swarms of pretty clothes. proenza, chloe, and prada--OH MY! but alas, as i have yet to make it BIG in publishing, i am forced to--ugh--budget, and spend my cash on things like electricity and rent. *sigh* but i figure i should start planning how i'm going to spend my millions now, to make for efficiency when i am rolling in dough.

anyhow, i spend my days drooling over pretty clothes and can often be found with my nose pressed against the store window of various boutiques and stores in this clothes horse's dream town...(burberry, i'm sorry for the smudges on your window, but i want those t-strap platform sandals more than i want anything else in the entire world and i would do just about anything to have them in my closet...)

back to the effiency: i love miu miu and if given the opportunity would sculpt my entire wardrobe from their look book. and now my darling miuccia (anybody notice my obsesh with eye-talians as of late?) has put kirsten dunst in miu miu ads. and i love kirsten and her snaggle tooth, and absolutely adore the stuff she's hawking. here, look:

i want these sunglasses. you buy them for me.

either one of these bags will do, though i must say, i'm partial to the woven ones on top.

everyone needs a corset.

the stained glass motif on this dress would go quite nicely with the sunglasses.

the greatest party dress i've ever laid my eyes upon. and those shoes...!

i actually think i might look into these frames...i think new reading glasses would suit me nicely.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Kinda Protest

this is awesome.

those crazy eye-talians...some guy, Graziano Cecchini, dumped a half million of those plastic colored balls that are in the ball pit at Chuckie Cheese down the Spanish Steps in Rome. he was protesting.

apparently, the "garbage officials" in Naples stopped cleaning like, 3 weeks ago due to lack of space in the dumps, and since then trash has just been collecting in the streets. in an artistic (this dude calls himself an artist, and i, for one, agree wholly) demostration of trash in the streets, he and some other folks dumped all these balls down the steps. they were all over the Piazza di Spagna and the majority ended up in the Barcaccia Fountain.

this guy also dyed a fountain red in October.

i don't know about you, but i think this is perhaps the awesomest protest EVER. no real harm done (they're plastic balls, for christ's sake), and some sorta message got out, ya know?

Banksy and Cecchini should get together and do something REALLY fabulous.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Dear Project Runway

i'm glad you've stepped up the challenges. i really liked last week's prom and i'm really into the avant-garde challenge tonight. and that tim gunn--always throwing a crazy, stylish wrench into things by telling the designers they had to make a ready-to-wear look as well!

Dear Jillian,

i think it's time you expand your style horizon past leggings. i mean, i love legging as well, but really, every day...? a little monotonous. you're a designer, an illustrator, you should have some more tricks up your sleeve. c'mon, lay-dee, let's see something non-lohan inspired.

Dear Christian,

i used to not like you. in the beginning, i found you to be contrived and annoying. now i love you. and i like your quirky, yet obvious hair. i also like how you are a creative, wonderful designer and wear clothes that are not. i think that's funny how you do that. even if you're not trying to be ironic, i think you are and i like it. way to go, bud.

Dear Chris,

i love you and i am glad they brought you back. even though we all know you will not win. you have a great attitude and i really liked your leopard print shirt and elvis pompadour that you wore to the runway this episode.

Dear Victoria,

i think you should take the pole out of your ass and speak in a voice that is not so fucking quiet and monotone.

Dear Sweet P,

i didn't think i was going to like you at the beginning either. but now i do. i like how you live up to your name, because you are so damn sweet. and you know what, Sweet P? i like the stuff you've done lately. even though Rami was tough on you this episode, i liked your dress. it was pretty.

Dear Rami,

you're cute. but nina's right--can you do anything besides draping?

Dear Kit,

you're cute, too. you have super personal style. and i liked your dress a lot last week. but you're kind of forgettable, otherwise. step it up, lay-dee--i want you to stick around.

Dear Ricky,

i wish you'd stop wearing hats. are you bald?

PR Fo'eva.

love always,

UPDATE: Right after I finished this, Kit got the axe. I should totally be a guest judge on PR. For serious, yo.

Dear Asha Salon

i love my new haircut. it looks great. and i am excited about being a redhead too. brooke and jorie did great jobs. i also liked the cucumber water that you gave me when i came in. i think i might come back for some more stuff later. seeing as you're so close to my house and all.

if i may make a suggestion, though, please stop playing jack johnson albums. despite what some people might think, jack johnson is neither soothing nor terribly inspiring. he's cute, i'll give him that, and he surfs, which is always nice, but other than that...

i'm going to go and look at myself in the mirror for a while now. thanks!


Dear Russian Ladies:

I just wanted to say thanks for doing such an awesome job cleaning the office. You really do an exquisite job keeping shit straight. I've never been in a multiple stall restroom that's so clean, and always stocked with TP AND papertowels. It's like you guys have a sixth sense over when more needs to be brought in. Also, the food you eat for dinner always smells so good. I like to come into the kitchen to clean out my coffee cup before I leave every night because I know you'll both be in there, cooking food that smells good and chattering away in Russian.

Also, you're both effing adorable and I love you. I think that maybe we should be friends.



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

words to live by

Because Good Christians Hate People Who Aren't Like Them and Love Hypocrisy

ugh. i'm thisclose to having my head explode.

myspace, the scion of idiocy (don't get me wrong, i'm a slave to mine), has once again offered a dumbass whore the opportunity to repost a ridiculous "bulletin" waxing philosophical about showing contempt for those who are not "good christians." today, i logged in and saw this post (verbatim as it appeared on the "bulletin", including headline):


Body: Who is Barack Obama?

Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita, Kansas.Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii.

When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia.When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school. Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical.

Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returnedto Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education.

Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta.

Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran.

Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance norwill he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches.

Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!!

Please forward to everyone you know.

Would you want this man leading our country?......NOT ME!!!"

so, umm...i love the captialization of sensationalist words such as MUSLIM! and RADICAL! and ATHEIST! because, you know, muslims and atheists are radical and most definitely will be the downfall of this world. i mean, duh. i also enjoy the emphasis on his parent's divorce and the fact that he went to muslim AND catholic schools. gosh, barack! pick one and stick with it! but make sure you pick catholic school, because a muslim education is inferior and most definitely indicates that you will get run for president, get elected, and then wage Jihad on the western world. FROM THE INSIDE OUT. and god--err rather, allah--help you if you choose to take your oath on the book that is most significant to your religion, rather than that of your constituents.

also, one thing this post fails to mention, but we should all "remain alert concering his expected presidential candidacy" that this O.M.G!!!!!!! a black muslim who has experienced both muslim and catholic schooling and who has also had experiences in christianity as well as atheism?!?!?!

i'm not sure, but this sorta sounds to me like a pretty well-rounded, open minded upbringing...and sorta sounds like the kinda thing that "we", as americans are supposed to benefit from...and what is supposed to make this country so great...wasn't it founded by those who wanted to escape religious persecution...?

i don't know about you, but i think we should fear christians more than muslims or atheists...or black people.

interestingly enough, the good christian girl who posted this is an unwed mother who is estranged from her baby daddy. not that i'm judging. but like, she's a great example of many christians who are living in pretty glass houses and don't really understand the consequences behind hurling boulders...

I Firmly Believe That

...there is nothing that cannot be fixed by a brisk walk, a little fountain soda, and some sort of breakfast sandwich.

for realsies. i woke up this mornin' feelin reeeeeal so-not-good. the kinda not-so-good where i contemplated calling out because i felt like there was no way in hell i'd be able to handle a train ride and a walk and then the rest of the day. but i manned up (womanned up...?), and got out the door--albeit a little late, but whatevs. better late than never. right?

anyhow, it was nippy, but since i was late, the streets weren't nearly as bustlin' and i actually got a seat on the train. next to a lovely teenage boy who was rocking the eff out with his Pod and big headphones. anyhow, got off the train, trucked the six blocks to work and about halfway there, started to feel like a human again. and since we have a great selection of food in mah buildin', i mosied over and to the sweet ladies at the counter and got a bagel sandwich. an excellent way to maintain my new year's health goal, but whatever. i felt icky.

cut to now: here i am, busily working away (and blogging, as the case may be. whoops.) and i don't feel sick at all anymore.

long live breakfast sandwiches!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bah! Can NOTHING Go Unanswered?

so, you know how like, there have always been speculations about the identity of the Mona Lisa? how people thought it was a lover or something of Leonardo da Vinci? and some thought it may have been his momma? and some thought he painted himself (the hypothesis i like the best; it sort of hints at a cross dressing da Vinci, or maybe he was painting himself as he wanted to be, or how he felt he should've been born or something...)...?

well, some "German academics" have figured out who Mona really is.

damn. there goes the fun hypotheses...

it's some itlian chick. some rich guy's wife.


how bo-ring...

on a sidenote, just to toot my own cultured horn, i've seen this lay-dee. in person, at the Louvre. i'm so fancy.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Super Awesome: Calvin Harris

i sure do love me some UK accents. for realsies. especially when said accents come from the lips of beautiful babies.

these are two of the reasons i love calvin harris.

the other reason i love him is because you can't help but get up off yo' ass and strut around your apartment, shakin ya' boooooooty. seriously. srsly. this music is my favorite "new" discovery, despite the fact that it's not really so much "new," as it is new to me. and you know what? that's all that really matters. so there.

anyway, this young buck (he's like 23 or something) is a scottish lad who makes a lot of songs with the word "disco" in them. also, this song "Merrymakin' At My Place" (besides having an awesome effing name) has a beat that reminds me of that LL Cool J song, "Phenomenon."

so i love him. and you should too.

I Want This

srsly. i want the leopard print one. without a doubt.


Hat Attack!

Steven and I

...have the best sundays.

Saturday, January 12, 2008



so i finally read Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs. (yet another phenomenon i was late for...)

and, umm, well...i'm not sure what all the fuss is about.

i mean, yeah, i can totally see why it was made into a film--the story is quite conducive to a visual interpretation, and i'm sure an entertaining one at that. but, in terms of writing...? i dunno, i'm not convinced. i'm not sure i really understand why everyone was falling all over themselves over this book, or this author, for that matter. entertaining, but i breezed through this book without really having to think all that much. or feel. at no point in this book, did i care an ounce about any of the characters, nor did i particularly care what they did or what happened to them. to me, this is indicative of a work of quite ordinary proportions, not one that "critics" should applaud and such.

i'm done with memoirs for a while.

next up: Lolita. nothing like a little russian lit to get the brain goin...

My Favorite Cuddle Muffin 25 pounds of furry, orange, lazy puss.



so, i just finished this book by pam des barres called I'm With The Band. i liked it. a lot. pam, or miss pamela rather...was like, THE original groupie. she bedded jimmy page, robert plant, keith moon, came close to boning jim morrison, did it with jimi hendrix' bassist, lived with the Zappas and nannied for Dweezil and Moon Unit...the list goes on. she had a kuh-ray-zee life and is currently an author of a few books, writes for various publications, and is like, generally, fabulous.

it's a shame that being a groupie isn't really feasible today. because i think that's what i wanna be. but not, like, a whorish groupie in the modern sense, but more like pammy, who had rock stars falling over her and loving her and stuff. she was like, a muse and shit. that's the kinda groupie i'd wanna be.

read this book.

Back to Black...or...Blonde...? love of loves, Amy Winehouse, is a blonde now. See?

and even though i'm in love with her shirt, i'm just not so sure how i feel about the blonde. i'm all for taking risks...but like...oh...i just don't know. unlike the rest of the world, i love amy. she's sad and entertaining and talented--all things a true artist should be. and i'm fairly certain she's destined for greatness...or rather, a great E! True Hollywood Story. especially if she keeps up the dope and the crazy antics.

it's all too bad, i think. remember when she looked like this?


oh amy, what are we gonna do with you...?

Friday, January 11, 2008

Teenage Angst

so, after tuning into my new favoritest thing at work yesterday (ohmyrockness radio--yet another thing that i'm a little late to the party for...), i decided to finally spend some of my xmas Pod gift card and purchase some new tunes. i've been a tad picky as of late with the purchasing of the music--unless i'm definitelydefinitely into something, i usually steal the music from somewhere.

so, anyhow. yesterday i bought my latest obsesh: My Teenage Stride. i'm supa dupa late this party; they're first full length came out in '04, i believe, and according to their website, they've existed "in some form or another" since '03. but they released a new album in '07 called Ears Like Golden Bats and it's wonderful. reminds me a little bit of like, Interpol mixed with something slightly 80's new wave-ish, with some basslines that kinda remind me of Vampire Weekend (who is great live, btw and who's impending full length has me literally on the edge of my seat--come on 1/29!!!). Ears has been playing on my Pod nonstop since this morning on my way to work. i'm in love. end of story. and just like Vampire Weekend, they play a ton in NYC, and currently, have no scheduled dates in Chicago. eff.

funnily enough, I've also been turned on to The Teenagers. mainly because they seem to have a sense of humor. seriously. srsly. listen to some songs. actually, if you go right now, you can listen to the entire album. cuz it's all there right now. and they're releasing Reality Check on the 22nd. and i'm supadupa stoked because they're playing Sonotheque on the 28th. hazaa! take that, sold out Dan Deacon and GirlTalk shows! hmph.

i'm not going to lie, i mainly was intrigued by the band because the first song i heard was "Starlett Johansson." and it's like an ode to her. which i am definitely down with, because if i was a rock star, i'd make an ode for her too.

seriously. i love her. she's totally my girl crush. *sigh*

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Inaugural Party Post

i've finally decided to do this whole "blog" thing.

just another example of always being a little late to the party.