Wednesday, January 23, 2008

You're a Fucking Idiot, or Why I Refuse to Talk About the War

so, umm, this is the second installment of what i'm labeling my "Dumb Assholes" post. basically, it comes when i get stupid fucking forwards or read idiotic myspace bulletin.

this time i got a post about "The Troops"--one i've seen before, and find doubly infuriating this time around. the post is (for lack of a better word) propaganda, most certainly put together by raging republicans. the kind who hunt, wave confederate flags, say things like, "These colors don't run!" "Git 'er done!", and think Jeff Foxworthy is hilarious. (btw, he's not.)

anywho, the posts has a variety of pictures depicting soldiers and such, and between each picture it says things like, "You go out to lunch, and complain because the restaurant got your order wrong.He doesn't get to eat today," "Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes. He wears the same things for weeks, but makes sure his weapons are clean," "You see only what the media wants you to see.He sees the broken bodies lying around him," "You criticize your government, and say that war never solves anything.He sees the innocent tortured and killed by their own people and remembers why he is fighting," "You hear the jokes about the war, and make fun of men like him.He hears the gunfire, bombs and screams of the wounded," and my personal fave, "You put on your anti war/don't support the troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.He still fights for your right to wear that shirt."

yeesh. where do i even begin...?

1. i don't have a maid. i don't make my bed but i do wash my own clothes. that's a dumb fucking sentence. at least have it make sense. i'm willing to bet that the majority of people in this world (especially those who are 'anti-war') probably don't have maids who make their bed and wash their clothes everyday. who the eff are we? a bunch of little orphan annies, living in daddy warbucks mansion?

2. while i agree that yes, the media (both right and left winged) chooses what to show. but the broken bodies? umm, don't mean to sound callous, but like...isn't the US some of the folks breaking said bodies? and p.s., the US isn't exactly an angelic, play by the rules kinda nation...

3. yes i criticize my government, and yes i'm pretty much married to the notion that i do not believe that war (especially wars started on false information) is really helpful in solving much. i think violence perpetuates violence and when the violence is more or less created because of a desire to democratize, westernize, or "civilize" another culture, it's sort of losing battle. and dumb. don't forget dumb.

4. i'm not sure i've ever really heard a joke about the war. nor have i really heard people making fun of soldiers. this may be naiive of me, but i think that since vietnam, we as a society have grown a bit, matured a (little) bit, and wised up a little bit. i'm not sure i've ever heard anyone making fun of a soldier. i think most people (and again, i may be entirely naiive on this right here) definitely make fun of the president (he's borderline retarded, i mean...) and definitely joke about him, but all in all realize (except for a handful of raging radical idiots) that the soldiers did not declare this war, they are merely pawns in an elaborate game of Stratego, and simply doing what their jobs are. no one faults them for that.

5. the funny thing about all of this is that what we're allegedly war-ing over is to bring democracy to these countries that we're ravaging and raping of culture and such. one of the wonderful things about democracy is the right to free speech, the right to protest, and the right to *gasp* think for oneself! so if someone were wearing a "Don't support the troops" t-shirt (again, a stupid fucking comment), that's their M.O. that's what we're allegedly fighting for Iraquis, Iranians, Afghanis, and all of the other "uncivilized" countries' consitutents, to have. right? so they'll be able to enjoy the benefits of a democratic society. including free speech. which is essentially what those t-shirts are. you follow?

in sum, i'd like to once again state that i am adamantly anti-war, adamantly anti-bush (the prez and the body part), and adamantly pro-troop. anti-war does not equal anti-troop. jesus fucking christ.


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