I love you.
Always and Forever,

i refuse to say that i was late to the Coconut Records party. i don't know exactly when i got this album, but it was definitely last spring. and since this debut was released in march '07, that means i wasn't that late to the party. especially considering tom called me the other day and was like, 'You should check out Coconut Records sometime. I heard 'em on XM.' and i was like, 'Oooh! Bust! Beat ya to it, bitch!' (really, those words were pretty much verbatim. tom and i are very competitive about our music finds. he swears he's winning, but i swear i should get extra points for my finds, because he's currently cutting them into his stuff. hmph.)
anyhow, Coconut Records is Jason Schwartzman's solo gig and the album is called "Nighttiming." it's super. i never really listened to Phantom Planet (except for that "California" song that I used to serenade Danielle with back in the day when we lived together and religiously watched The OC. which reminds me. have you seen Rachel Bilson's spread in GQ? she's cute. i love her. and she always has cute boyfriends. lucky gal.)...annnnnnyhow, Coconut Records is super. mellow. super mellow. and poppy, catchy, and very varied, if you ask me. for instance, "Slowly" reminds me faintly of a Ryan Adams-ish type thing, with gentle bluegrass-y twangs. Also, Brandon Boyd (of Incubus) and Zooey Deschanel (who i also lovelovelove) are on that track. Brandon whistles, Zooey sings. And Kirsten Dunst (who is enjoying her second mention on this blog thing!) sings on two songs also.
i've been listening to this record a lot again lately, 1) because i like to smugly remind myself how s-m-r-t i am for "finding" it and 2) because it's a supergreat album. nothing terribly complex and kuh-razy, but it's completely and 100% listenable, enjoyable, and loveable.
Coconut Records is just the icing on the i-love-jason-schwartzman-with-all-my-heart-and-soul cake. Coconut Records icing, with Rushmore and Shopgirl sprinkles.
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