Monday, January 21, 2008


my office building is right on the beautiful, picturesque, and absolutely clean chicago river. heh. anyhow, when i went outside for my midday ciggie butt, i was standing on the river side of the building and watching the plastic bags and various other pieces of garbage float by, when i noticed two ducks. i think they were boyfriend and girlfriend ducks, because one was a mallard and one was not. (btw, why are boy ducks--and boy animals, in general, prettier than the lady animals?) anyhow, they were floating around and then the boy duck did that thing where he sticks his head under water (to get food, presumably) and his little feather butt sticks straight up in the air. and i wondered--if i'm so effing cold just standing next to the river, how is it that he isn't freezing when he's under the water???

i am constantly perplexed by animals being able to not freeze their fur/feather covered asses off in this cold weather.

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