so, i just finished this book by pam des barres called I'm With The Band. i liked it. a lot. pam, or miss pamela rather...was like, THE original groupie. she bedded jimmy page, robert plant, keith moon, came close to boning jim morrison, did it with jimi hendrix' bassist, lived with the Zappas and nannied for Dweezil and Moon Unit...the list goes on. she had a kuh-ray-zee life and is currently an author of a few books, writes for various publications, and is like, generally, fabulous.
it's a shame that being a groupie isn't really feasible today. because i think that's what i wanna be. but not, like, a whorish groupie in the modern sense, but more like pammy, who had rock stars falling over her and loving her and stuff. she was like, a muse and shit. that's the kinda groupie i'd wanna be.
read this book.
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