Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Firmly Believe That

...there is nothing that cannot be fixed by a brisk walk, a little fountain soda, and some sort of breakfast sandwich.

for realsies. i woke up this mornin' feelin reeeeeal so-not-good. the kinda not-so-good where i contemplated calling out because i felt like there was no way in hell i'd be able to handle a train ride and a walk and then the rest of the day. but i manned up (womanned up...?), and got out the door--albeit a little late, but whatevs. better late than never. right?

anyhow, it was nippy, but since i was late, the streets weren't nearly as bustlin' and i actually got a seat on the train. next to a lovely teenage boy who was rocking the eff out with his Pod and big headphones. anyhow, got off the train, trucked the six blocks to work and about halfway there, started to feel like a human again. and since we have a great selection of food in mah buildin', i mosied over and to the sweet ladies at the counter and got a bagel sandwich. an excellent way to maintain my new year's health goal, but whatever. i felt icky.

cut to now: here i am, busily working away (and blogging, as the case may be. whoops.) and i don't feel sick at all anymore.

long live breakfast sandwiches!!

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